GarrettCom 14E User Manual
Page 50

Magnum14E Media Converters Installation and User Guide (10/02)
www GarrettCom com
Connect the Transmit (TX) port (light colored post) on the Magnum 14E to the
Receive (RX) port of the remote device. Begin with the color-coded strand of the cable
for this first “Transmit-to-Receive” connection.
Connect the Receive (RX) port (dark colored post) on the 14E to the Transmit (TX) port
of the remote device. Use the non-color coded fiber strand for this.
5. The LINK LED corresponding to the fiber port, on the front of the product, will
illuminate when a proper connection has been established at both ends (and when power
is ON in the units at each end). If LINK is not lit after cable connection, the normal
cause is improper cable polarity. Swap the fiber cables on the product connector to
remedy this situation.
6. Because of standard Link Pass Through feature the LINK indication will not be present
unless LINK is made for the cables on both sides.
3.5.3 Connecting Fiber Optic 100BASE-FX, Type MT-RJ Small Form Factor
The following procedure applies to 100BASE-FX applications using the Magnum 14E
Media Converter with MT-RJ (snap-in, two-fibers-in-one-piece) fiber connectors.