Grandstream Networks 200 User Manual
Page 22

Grandstream Networks, Inc.
BT200 User Manual
Page 22 of 33
Last Updated: 12/2008
Time Zone
This parameter controls the date/time display according to the specified time zone.
Daylight Savings Time
This parameter controls time displayed in daylight savings time. If set to “Yes”, then the
displayed time will be 1 hour ahead of normal time.
The “Optional Rule” is configured to automatically adjust the Daylight Savings Time (DST)
based on the rule set in this field.
Rule Syntax:
• start-time;
Both start-time and end-time have the same syntax: month,day,weekday,hour,minute
month: 1,2,3,..,12 (for Jan, Feb, .., Dec)
weekday: 1, 2, 3, .., 7 (for Mon, Tue, .., Sun), or 0 which means the daylight
saving rule is not based on week days but based on the day of the month.
hour: hour (0-23), minute: minute (0-59)
If “weekday” is 0, it means the date to start or end daylight saving is at exactly the given date.
In that case, the “day” value must not be negative. If “weekday” is not zero and “day” is
positive, then the daylight saving starts on the first “day” the iteration of the weekday (e.g.:
1st Sunday, 3rd Tuesday etc). If “weekday” is not zero and “day” is negative, then the
daylight saving starts on the last “day” the iteration of the weekday (e.g.: last Sunday, 3rd last
Tuesday etc).
The saving is in the unit of minutes. The saving time may also be preceded by a negative (-)
sign if subtraction is desired instead of addition.
The default value is set for US, the “Automatic Daylight Saving Time Rule” shall be set to
US/Canada where daylight saving time is applicable:
This means the daylight saving time starts from the second Sunday of March at 2AM and
ends the first Sunday of November at 2AM. The saving is 60 minutes.
Date Display Format
Choose one of the following formats:
• Year-Month-Day
• Month-Day-Year
• Day-Month-Year
Display Account Name
instead of Date
Choose to display Account Name or date on LCD.
Mute Speaker Ringer
Default is No. This field lets user to choose whether to ring the phone Speaker
when headset is connected.
Advanced User configuration includes not only the end user configuration, but also advanced
configuration such as SIP configuration, Codec selection, NAT Traversal Setting and other miscellaneous
Table 11: Advanced Settings
Administrator password. Only the administrator can access the “Advanced Settings” and
“Account Settings” page. Password field is purposely blank for security reasons after
clicking update and saved. The maximum password length is 25 characters.