Calibrate fryer recovery time monthly fr 2 m1 – Frymaster M2000 User Manual
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Calibrate fryer recovery time
FR 2 M1
©McDonald’s Corporation · Planned Maintenance Manual · Revised June 2008
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Frymaster Fryer
All models
using an M2000 Computer
FR 2 M1
To maintain food safety standards for fried products
Time required
1 minute to prepare
5 minutes to complete,
Time of day
At open
For 24-hour restaurants: in the morning
Hazard icons
Tools and supplies
Paper and pencil
Turn fryer off.
Press the on/off button to turn
the fryer off. The display will
show “OFF.”
Check most recent recovery
The fryer automatically re-
cords the fryer’s recovery
time each time the vat tem-
perature rises from 250°F
(121°C) to 320°F (160°C).
Press the button marked with
a checkmark to enter the
fryer’s programming mode.
The left display will show
Press the buttons marked “1,
6, 5, 2” in that order to enter
code 1652. The display will
show the most recent recov-
ery time in both displays.
Write down the recovery
Compare most recent recovery
time to acceptable recovery
The acceptable recovery time
for electric fryers is less than
100 seconds. The acceptable
recovery time for gas fryers is
less than 145 seconds.
If the recovery time you
wrote down is less than the
fryer’s acceptable recovery
time, the fryer’s performance
is acceptable. Skip to step 5.
If the time you wrote down is
more than the fryer’s accept-
able recovery time, the fryer’s
performance is not accept-
able. Go to the next step.