Driving with a heavy load – FORD 1999 Taurus User Manual

Page 187

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You can tel l a console-mounte d gearshif t is securely
latche d in P (Park ) if the leve r is adjacen t to the P
(Park ) an d yo u canno t mov e it withou t pushin g in
the thum b button.


Never leave your vehicle unattended
while it is running.

Driving With a Heavy Load

Ther e ar e limit s to the amoun t of weigh t your
vehicl e can carr y or tow . Th e tota l weigh t of your
vehicle , plu s the weigh t of the passenger s and
cargo , shoul d neve r be mor e tha n the Gros s Vehicle
Weigh t Ratin g (GVWR) . Also , the weigh t tha t your
vehicl e carrie s ove r the fron t axl e an d rea r axle
shoul d neve r be mor e tha n the Gros s Axl e Weight
Ratin g (GAWR ) fo r the respectiv e axle.

You can fin d you r vehicle’ s GVW R an d GAW R on
the Safet y Complianc e Certificatio n Labe l on the left
fron t doo r loc k facin g or on the doo r latc h post

Th e weigh t limit s of you r vehicle’ s tire s affec t the
GVW R or GAW R limitations . Usag e of replacement
tire s wit h highe r weigh t limit s tha n original s does
no t increas e GVW R or GAWR . Usag e of lower
capacit y replacemen t tire s ma y lowe r GVW R and
GAW R limitations.


Do not exceed the GVWR or the
GAWR specified on the Safety
Compliance Certification Label.


Update:Wed Jun 19 10:45:23 1996