FORD 1999 Taurus User Manual
Page 182

NOTE: If the temperatur e drop s overnight , the
vehicl e ma y appea r lo w becaus e the air in the air
sprin g contracts . Thi s is normal ! Th e vehicl e will
retur n to regula r heigh t soo n afte r the vehicl e is
Steering Your Vehicle
You r vehicl e come s wit h powe r steering . Power
steerin g use s energ y fro m the engin e to hel p steer
you r vehicle.
Th e steerin g syste m in you r vehicl e is speed
sensitive . Thi s mean s tha t the steerin g effor t is light
for parkin g an d heavie r for highwa y driving.
However , if yo u hav e to swerv e aroun d an object
or anothe r vehicle , you r steerin g wil l hav e full
powe r assist.
Neve r hol d the steerin g whee l to the extrem e right
or lef t fo r mor e tha n five second s if the engin e is
running . Thi s can damag e the powe r steerin g pump.
If the amoun t of effor t neede d to stee r you r vehicle
change s at a constan t vehicl e speed , hav e the
powe r steerin g syste m checked . If the power
steerin g syste m break s dow n (o r if the engin e is
turne d off) , yo u can stee r the vehicl e manuall y but
it take s mor e effort.
Driving with an Automatic
Overdrive Transmission
Th e automati c overdriv e transmissio n operate s very
muc h lik e a regula r automati c transmission , except
it offer s the extr a overdriv e feature.
Putting Your Vehicle in Gear
Hold the brake pedal down while you
move the gearshift lever from position
to position. If you do not hold the
brake pedal down, your vehicle may
move unexpectedly and injure someone.
Update:Wed Jun 19 10:45:23 1996