FUJITSU P2U3-0022-04ENZ0 User Manual

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Chapter 1 Installing ETERNUSmgr

1.6 Procedure

ETERNUS Disk storage systems ETERNUSmgr Install Guide for Linux


Copyright 2009 FUJITSU LIMITED



STXPOLL_1.INI is a setup file of ETERNUSmgr.
It is created by executing the environment setup script.
If necessary, a text editor such as Notepad, etc. can be used to edit these settings.
_STXPOLL.INI file is a template file.

The following format should be used for the file names.

If a file name is in a format other than specified above, ETERNUSmgr will not be able to find
the file. The only place the setup file can be saved is the installation directory. If saved to
another directory, the ETERNUSmgr cannot recognize where the setup files are saved.


Execution control script for starting up or stopping the ETERNUSmgr.

Shell script to conduct environment setup after installation by rpm. Creates the ETERNUSmgr
setup file "STXPOLL_1.INI". "" can be executed many times, but if it is executed
when "STXPOLL_1.INT" already exists, the setup file will be overwritten, so caution is
advised. If "" needs to be executed a second time, first backup the
ETERNUSmgr setup file, and then execute.


This file contains the initial screen. After 5 seconds, it automatically jumps to the
ETERNUSmgr Top Menu.
To use this file, copy it to a directory under the Web server where the top menu is stored.
During installation, there is no need to copy this file to the specified directory under the top
menu if the default directory is used.

Refer to the "ETERNUSmgr User Guide -Introduction-" when editing
these setup files. Edit only parameters described in the guide. Do not
delete comments or blank lines in the setup files during installation, and
do not add anything other than parameters. Failure to follow these
instructions may hinder performance and cause problems during future


The "STX~.INI" file name format must never be given to non-setup files
in the installation directory since, whether they are setup files or not,
ETERNUSmgr will attempt to read all such "STX~.INI" files, with
unforeseeable and potentially fatal results. If you want to make backup
files, save them with a different file name format, or save them outside
of the installation directory to prevent ETERNUSmgr from attempting to
use them.
ETERNUSmgr allows multiple setup files to be stored in the installation
directory, so error monitoring can be carried out for the specified devices
using the respective files. However, multiple monitoring settings cannot
be made for one device.
If multiple setup files for the same device are detected, a warning
message will appear and ETERNUSmgr will not start up. For further
details, refer to "2.5 Monitoring Multiple Target Devices" in the
"ETERNUSmgr User Guide -Introduction-".