FUJITSU P2U3-0022-04ENZ0 User Manual

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Chapter 1 Installing ETERNUSmgr

1.6 Procedure

ETERNUS Disk storage systems ETERNUSmgr Install Guide for Linux


Copyright 2009 FUJITSU LIMITED




Select the type of target device.

The character string for the selected device is assigned to the "TARGET_TYPE"
p a r a m e t e r i n t h e s e t u p f i l e ( " S T X P O L L _ 1 . I N I " ) , w h i l e a d e v i c e t y p e f l a g
(1=ETERNUS3000/GR710/GR720/GR730, 2=ETERNUS6000/GR740/GR820/GR840,
4=ETERNUS DX400 series/ETERNUS DX8000 series/ETERNUS2000/ETERNUS4000/
ETERNUS8000) is assigned to the "TARGET_FLAG" parameter.
For an ETERNUS DX410/DX440, select "1" (=ETERNUS DX400 series). For an ETER-
NUS DX8100/DX8400/DX8700, select "2" (=ETERNUS DX8000 series).

(message displayed)

# Select target type.

# 1 = E T E R N U S D X 4 0 0 2 = E T E R N U S D X 8 0 0 0 3 = E T E R N U S 2 0 0 0 4 = E T E R N U S 3 0 0 0

5=ETERNUS4000 6=ETERNUS6000 7=ETERNUS8000 8=GR710 9=GR720 10=GR730

11=GR740 12=GR820 13=GR840

([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13] default: 1=ETERNUS DX400)


Enter the URL.
Enter the URL for the directory in which ETERNUSmgr Top Menu is located. (The default
setting is "/opt/FJSVgrmgr/www".) (This URL is assigned to the ETERNUSmgr Top Menu
directory by the Web server settings.)

Enter the URL starting with "http://" and finishing with the alias name.

(message displayed)

# Input your www server URL.

# (default: http://)


Enter the Target Address.

a Enter the Target Address allocated to the device.

T h e v a l u e e n t e r e d h e r e i s s e t t o t h e " TA R G E T _ A D D R " pa r a m e t e r o f t h e
"STXPOLL_1.INI" file. Specify the IP address of the SVP when using SVP with the

(message displayed)

# Input target address (TARGET_ADDR).

# (default:


Set the ETERNUSmgr e-mail notification function.
When the ETERNUSmgr e-mail notification function is to be used, set as follows:

a Enter the ETERNUSmgr Admin Mail Address.

ETERNUSmgr will send messages to the mail address entered here when a change of
status occurs in the device.
The value entered here is set to the "ADMIN_MAIL" parameter in the "STXPOLL_1.INI"

(message displayed)

# Input ETERNUSmgr administrator mail address (ADMIN_MAIL).

# (default: root@domain-name)