2. effect parameter setting – Fostex VM04 User Manual
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VM04 Owner’s manual
You can alter the parameter setting according to the Effect type.
1. Reverb related Effects
The 12 Effects from 1:HallRev1 to 12:Stadium2
are the Reverb related Effects.
They have five parameters:
1.Reverb Level (RevLv : 0~99)
2.Reverb Time (RevTim: 0.1~9.9 Sec)
3.Pre Delay Time (PreDl: 0~150 mSec)
4.High Dump (HiDmp: 0~10)
5.Early Reflection Balance (ErBal: 0~99)
2. Delay related Effects
13:Delay and 15:L-R Delay are the Delay
related Effects. They have three parameters:
1. Delay Level (DlyLv: 0~99)
2. Delay Time (DlyTm: 5~995 mSec, also 1.0~1.4
3. Feedback Level (FBack:-99~0~99, the negative
numerals indicate the reverse phase)
3. Combined Delay/Reverb Effects
14:Delay+Rev and 16:L-R+Rev are the Effects
you get when Delay and Reverb are combined
together. They have five parameters:
1. Delay Level (DlyLv:0~99)
2. Delay Time (DlyTm: 2~500 mSec)
3. Feedback Level (FBack:-99~0~99, the negative
numerals indicate the reverse phase)
4. Reverb Level (RevLv: 0~99)
5. Reverb Time (RevTm: 0.1~9.9 Sec)
4. Chorus related Effect
17:Chorus is the Chorus related Effect.
This has three parameters:
1. Chorus Level (ChoLv: 0~99)
2. Modulation Frequency (Rate: 0.1~9.9 Hz)
3. Chorus Depth (Depth: 0~99)
The parameters available in each Effect type.
The available parameters differ according to the Effect type. These are discussed here.
5. Combined Chorus/Reverb Effect
18:Cho+Rev is the Effect you get when Chorus
and Reverb are combined together.
This has five parameters:
1. Chorus Level (ChoLv: 0~99)
2. Modulation Frequency (Rate: 0.1~9.9 Hz)
3. Chorus Depth (Depth: 0~99)
4. Reverb Level (RevLv: 0~99)
5. Reverb Time (RevTm: 0.1~9.9 Sec)
6. Flanger related Effect
19:Flange is the Flanger related Effect.
This has three parameters:
1. Flange Level (FlaLv: 0~99)
2. Modulation Frequency (Rate: 0.01~0.99 Hz)
3. Feedback Level (FBack: -99~0~99, the negative
numerals indicate the reverse phase)
7. Combined Flanger/Reverb Effect
20:Fla+Rev is the Effect you get when Flanger
and Reverb are combined together.
This has five parameters:
1. Flange Level ( FlaLv: 0~99)
2. Modulation Frequency (Rate: 0.01~0.99 Hz)
3. Feedback Level (FBack: -99~0~99, the negative
numerals indicate the reverse phase)
4. Reverb Level (RevLv: 0~99)
5. Reverb Time (RevTm: 0.1~9.9 Sec)