3 using the ndd(1m) command – FUJITSU PCI Gigabit Ethernet 4.1 Update 2/ 5.0 for Oracle Solaris C120-E276-11ENZ0(A) User Manual

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3.5.3 Using the ndd(1M) command

By using the ndd(1M) command, the interface communication mode can be changed dynamically. Usually it is not necessary to change
the interface communication mode using the ndd(1M) command, but when you experience the following, please change the interface
communication mode using the ndd(1M) command.

This method is not supported by FUJITSU PCI GigabitEthernet 5.0 or later.



You changed a remote device from one which supports Auto-Negotiation to another which does not support Auto-Negotiation or vice
versa after system startup.



When using the ndd(1M) command to change interface communication modes, it is necessary to change or reset the Link Status


making the changes. This causes the changes to be recognized by the hardware and dynamically take effect. Using ndd(1M) to change
the adv_autoneg_cap parameter cause a Link Status change. Please note in the "To set" examples below that the last step is always a
change to the adv_autoneg_cap parameter.

- How to Use the ndd(1M) Command

The following examples show how to display and set parameters using the ndd(1M) command.


To display:

ndd -get /dev/fjgi* param

(Note) Please put a decimal number (instance number) in place of the asterisk (*).

example: The state of the link of fjgi2 will be displayed.

# ndd -get /dev/fjgi2 link_status



To set:

ndd -set /dev/fjgi* param value

(Note) Please put a decimal number (instance number) in place of the asterisk (*).

example: 1000Mbps/FullDuplex is disabled on interface fjgi2.

# ndd -set /dev/fjgi2 adv_1000fdx_cap 0

(Note) In this stage, the setting is not reflected in hardware yet.


When the setting change is reflected in hardware (with no change of an Auto-Negotiation value):

ndd -set /dev/fjgi* param1 value (Change of setting 1)

ndd -set /dev/fjgi* param2 value (Change of setting 2)

: :

ndd -set /dev/fjgi* adv_autoneg_cap N (Once let Auto-Negotiation have a different value from

the current value.)

ndd -set /dev/fjgi* adv_autoneg_cap M (Auto-Negotiation is returned to the original value.)

(Note) Please put a decimal number (instance number) in place of the asterisk (*).

example: When changing fjgi0 into 100Full (autonego=1, link_sppd=100, link_mode=1) from a default state (autonego=1,
link_speed=1000, link_mode=1) while Auto-Negotiation is enabled.

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