Meridian Audio G Series User Manual
Page 25

I n s t a l l i n g
t h e p o w e r
a m p l i f i e r
2 1
To wire to a passive loudspeaker in bridge mode
You can use the G56/G57 as a mono power amplifier, to obtain
more than twice the power output, by wiring it in bridge mode.
• Switch the BRIDGE MODE switch to the ON position.
• Fit the supplied bridge mode link between the left and right
negative terminals.
• Connect the audio inputs to the BALANCED or UNBALANCED
BRIDGE MODE input, as appropriate.
• Connect the loudspeaker between the BRIDGE MODE terminals.
You can bi-wire in bridge mode by using the other pair of BRIDGE
MODE terminals to connect separately to the loudspeaker treble
G Series Power Amplifier 21
9/5/06 12:00:04 pm