Meridian Audio G Series User Manual
G series active rack mounting system

The G Series rack mounting system is designed
to allow all G Series components to be installed
in a standard 19in rack. It also optionally allows
serial control and audio/video connections to the
component to be brought out to the front panel
for confi guration and for interfacing devices
such as camcorders.
A single mounting kit is supplied, with two
fascia panels, one for standard height products
and the other for the taller products such as the
G68 processor and G57 power amplifi er. With a
standard-sized product, the unit occupies 3 rack
units in height (5.25 in) while with a higher-pro-
fi le unit installed it occupies a 4U (7 in) space.
The sturdy matte-black-coated steel chassis is
specially designed to safely support even heavier
products such as power amplifi ers.
The chassis tray includes two ultra-quiet intake
fans, each 15mm thick and similar to those
used on Meridian’s fl agship 800 Reference
Series components. They are positioned directly
under corresponding vents on the base of the
components. The fans feature 12v DC operation
and are powered by the fan output jack on G
Series units likely to require them. The fans are
controlled by a thermal sensing circuit and are
only engaged when necessary.
Installation is designed to be simple and easy.
In the event that the front panel is to be used
for access to rear-panel connections, extension
cables (not supplied) are attached to internal
connectors in the tray to run to the component’s
Sturdy metal racking kit
fi nished in matte black
Allows rack mounting of all
G Series components with
optimum inter-unit spacing
Dual ultra-low-noise,
thermally-activated fans
keep rack interior and
component cool
Provides front-panel access
to RS232, USB and audio/
video interfaces
G Series Active Rack Mounting System
Meridian’s G Series line of high performance
digital & analogue consumer audio components
feature a stylish cabinet design in traditional
black or a sleek silver fi nish.
Designed to be either free-standing or rack-
mounted, G Series components build on their
predecessors, the multi-award-winning 500 and
our fl agship 800 Series, and include entirely new
circuitry developed specifi cally for the G Series.
Multi-layer boards reduce system noise and
improve performance. In products which include
improve performance. In products which include
video capabilities, broadcast-quality, wide-
video capabilities, broadcast-quality, wide-
bandwidth video components are employed for
bandwidth video components are employed for
maximum image integrity.
maximum image integrity.
G Series units are easy to use. Where appropri-
G Series units are easy to use. Where appropri-
ate, a knob is included to control volume. The
ate, a knob is included to control volume. The
positive-action front-panel keys are software-
positive-action front-panel keys are software-
defi ned: their legends are presented in the
defi ned: their legends are presented in the
vacuum fl uorescent display and change
vacuum fl uorescent display and change
intelligently according to context.
intelligently according to context.
Full installation confi guration of many G Series
components is achieved by running a special
setup program on a Windows computer,
connected to the G Series unit via a serial link,
or direct from the front panel.
G Series products also include serial ports for
remote operation and confi guration, along with
infra-red sensor input and trigger capabilities,
plus Meridian communications ports. A compre-
hensive back-lit learning/programmable remote
is included with products other than amplifi ers.