Furuno FELCOM 16 User Manual
Page 135

10. Press the [
↓] or [↑] key to choose a station.
Note: You may sort the list by group name, station name or communication
type as follows:
Group name: Each press of [Ctrl] + [G] sorts the list by group name,
ascending or descending order.
Station name: Each press of [Ctrl] + [N] sorts the list by station name,
in ascending or descending order.
Comm. type: Each press of [Ctrl] + [T] sorts the list by communication
type, in ascending or descending order.
11. Press the [Enter] key to close the window.
12. For e-mail following a)-d) below. For other communication formats, go to step
a) Press the [
↓] key to choose Subject.
b) Press the [Enter] key to show the title window.
c) Type title.
d) Press the [Enter] key to close the window.
13. Press the [
↓] key to choose LES ID.
14. Press the [Enter] key to display the LES List.
15. Press the [
↓] or [↑] key to choose an LES.
16. Press the [Enter] key to close the window.
17. Press the [
↓] key to choose Activation.
18. Press the [Enter] key to open the activation options window.
19. Press the [
↓] or [↑] key to choose “Regular Interval” or “Daily” as appropriate.
20. Press the [Enter] key to close the window.
21. Do one of the following depending on the selection you made at step 19.
“Regular Interval” selected at step 19
(1) Press the [
↓] to choose Interval Time.
(2) Press the [Enter] key to open the interval time entry window.
(3) The interval should be at least 10 minutes.
(4) Press the [Enter] key to close the window.
(5) Press the [
↓] key to choose Report Times.
(6) Press the [Enter] key to open the report times entry window.
(7) Key in the report times, or press the [Back Space] key to display “---“ to
choose “No Limit” to transmit data until the “Status” setting is turned OFF.
(8) Press the [Enter] key to close the window.