Egc settings, What is the egc (enhanced group call) service – Furuno INMARSAT-C MOBILE EARTH STATION FELCOM 12 User Manual

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EGC Settings

What is the EGC (Enhanced Group Call) service?

The EGC service enables EGC information providers to send


or FleetNET


messages via a LES to select groups of

ships, or to all ships within a defined geographical area.

To send an EGC message, the information provider prepares the mes-
sage, and then accesses the Country of international telex network to
send the message to the LES. The LES processes and forwards it to
the NCS for the ocean region designated by the provider. Then, NCS
broadcasts the message throughout the ocean region.

Although all MESs can receive the EGC message, the message is
accepted only by those receivers that have been pre-programmed for
the area or group conditions contained in the message. All other EGC
receivers reject the message.

Two EGC services are available:

1) SafetyNET


This provides a means for information providers to distribute Mari-
time Safety Information (MSI) from shore-to-ship. Authorized in-
formation providers include:

a. Hydrographic Offices, for navigational warnings

b. National Weather Services, for meteorological warnings and


c. Rescue Co-ordination Center, for shore-to-ship distress alerts

and other urgent information

d. International Ice Patrol, for North Atlantic ice hazards

2) FleetNET


This service allows authorized information providers such as com-
mercial subscription services, shipping companies and govern-
ments, which have registered with a LES that supports


, to broadcast messages to selected group of MESs.

Typical applications of FleetNET



a. Fleet or company broadcasts

b. News broadcasts

c. Commercial weather services

d. Market quotations

e. Government broadcasts to all vessels on a country’s registra-
