Friedrich 9 User Manual

Page 20

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Reversing valve:


energized when “Heat” is selected on thermostat.

Compressor operation depends on t-stat settings:

If ambient indoor temperature is below the set point temperature depending on t-stat differential

and the compressor is not time delayed, turn on compressor. If ambient indoor temperature is

below set point depending on t-stat differential, turn off the compressor.

Compressor Time Delay:

The time delay feature is de-energized for a period of time that varies

randomly from 180 to 240

seconds. Compressor time delay is initiated every time the compressor is “off” due to:

(1) Satisfying the temperature set point,
(2) Changing mode to fan only
(3 )Turning the unit off.
(4) When control is first energized or when power is restored after failure

Note: Time delay is disabled during

Test Mode.


When there is a call for heat from the Wall thermostat the

PCB will receive signals on terminal

W, B, GL or GH. During compressor time delay, electric heat will turn on first. When com-

pressor time delay is

UP, the compressor will turn on.


If outdoor coil temperature sensor

drops to 30°F for less than 2 consecutive minutes, then unit

will switch to electric heat. Thereafter, unit will switch back to Heat Pump heat if outdoor coil

temperature sensor rises to

45°F or greater.

Fan delay:

This is only for

fan ‘cycle’ mode and not for fan ‘continuous’ mode. When unit cycles cool-

ing ON – start the fan 5 seconds EARLY. When unit cycles cooling OFF – DELAY the fan off

for 30 seconds. Note: the fan delay is disabled during

Test Mode.

Emergency Heat:

When compressor fails in heating season, allows user to disable Heat Pump. Heating with elec-

tric heat only (See DIP switch position 7).

VPak ELECtRonIC ContRoL BoaRD anD waLL

tHERmoStat SEqUEnCE oF oPERatIon (Continued)


HEat UnItS