Backup, User’s guide – version 3.5 netflow tracker 74 – Fluke Computer Accessories User Manual

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User’s Guide – version 3.5

NetFlow Tracker


Store real-time data for allows you to change the number of days full real-time data

is stored for. You can reduce this to save disk space, or increase it if you are sure
you have enough free space.

Store 10 minute, 1hour, etc. long-term data for allows you to change how long the
different types of long-term data are stored for. Each type of data allows a long-

term chart to display blocks of that size; if the block size is not specified when
opening a long-term report the closest available size to the ideal for the selected

time range is chosen.

Use compression to reduce the amount of disk space used, but note that it is likely

to slow down your reports.


NetFlow Tracker can back up its configuration, and optionally its long-term and real-
time databases, to a nominated folder on demand or on a schedule. The contents of

the folder are erased before the backup, so ensure that you move scheduled backups
to long-term storage if required. It may be advisable to schedule a backup to different

locations on alternate days.

Backing up the real-time database takes a long time and it is advisable to omit it on a

busy system unless it is essential.

To restore a backup you must first install exactly the same version as you had

previously – you may need to contact

[email protected]

to obtain this. Then,

open a command prompt and issue the following commands on Windows, replacing

paths as appropriate; means to press the enter or carriage return key:


cd \nftracker

runany c:\nftracker c:\progra~1\java\j2re14~1.2_0
com.crannogsoftware.ulysses.CRestore –sourcefolder c:\nftbackup

On Linux, issue the following commands in a terminal, again replacing paths as


cd /usr/local/nftracker

./runany com.crannogsoftware.ulysses.CRestore –sourcefolder

chown –R nft:nft .systemPrefs

chown –R mysql:mysql /var/lib/mysql/crannog_ulysses

chown –R mysql:mysql /var/lib/mysql/crannog_ulysses_longterm