Executive reports, User’s guide – version 3.5 netflow tracker 68 – Fluke Computer Accessories User Manual
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User’s Guide – version 3.5
NetFlow Tracker
Executive Reports
An executive report is a pre-configured template that contains one or more reports or
charts and user-defined HTML content. They can be used to provide easy access to
often-used reports or to group related reports together on one page.
To create an executive report, enter a name and click “New…”. You can edit an
existing report by clicking its name.
You can also supply a description for the executive report that is used in the
homepage, and you can choose whether the report is included in that menu or not.
The first step in defining an executive report is specifying the sub-reports that you
would like to embed within it. To add a sub-report, give it a name that will identify it
when you layout the executive report and select whether it is a real-time or long-term
report. You can then use the provided
to define the report. You can add
custom parameters to alter anything about the report not configurable using the filter
editor; see
for more.
If you select “Default/Custom” as the time range of the report and do not add custom
time range parameters the time range used will be whatever is passed to the executive
report itself, or the default real-time or long-term time range according to the report.
Also note that any filters passed to the executive report are applied to the sub-reports
in conjunction with whatever filters they have themselves. Please be careful about using
unfiltered sub-reports if “Include in Reports Menu” is checked as the executive report
will be accessible from the
homepage without a means of supplying a filter,
and this could cause problems.
Once you have added sub-reports to the executive report, you must then specify the
report content. The executive report is made up of rows, and each row contains one or
more cells. A cell can be configured to span a number of columns, allowing complex
layouts. To add a row, click the “Add Row” button; you can then add cells to the row.
There are two types of cells: sub-report cells and HTML cells.
A sub-report cell shows content from one of the sub-reports; the sub-report must be
selected from the list provided. If the sub-report is a chart over time you can choose to
output a pie chart instead; this is used in the example report below.
You should then select which sections of the sub-report you would like the cell to
display, and which user-interface controls should be enabled for it. You can also select
which columns to show, and if the sub-report is a chart or pie chart you can select
which chart to show. Custom parameters can be supplied; see
for more about which parameters are acceptable here.
If you have allowed either drilling down or the open in new window button for a report
cell you must also specify how the URL is modified to create the new window. You can
choose to show all sections and columns and allow all controls; this is usually the case
for a complicated layout, You can also specify custom parameters. Note that you can
remove a parameter from the new window’s URL by giving it a blank value.
A HTML cell allows you to add your own HTML content, such as explanatory text or a
company logo, to an executive report. You can include any HTML content you like,
including links and images. You can include images stored in the “customweb” folder
under NetFlow Tracker’s install folder; they are accessible as