Alpen Optics 10x42 Apex XP ED Waterproof Binoculars User Manual

Page 4

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Rolled Eyecup

Eyecup Adjustment

Your ALPEN binocular is fitted with eyecups which

can be rolled or twisted up or down (depending on

your model) to optimize the view for your eyes and

to exclude extraneous light. If you are not wearing

eyeglasses or sunglasses, keep the eyecups fully

extended („up“ position). If you are wearing glas-

ses, roll down the eyecups or twist them to the

down position. This will bring your eyes closer to

the binocular’s eyepiece (ocular) lens to ensure you

can see the entire image (full field of view with no

“cutoff” or “tunnel vision”).

IPD (Interpupillary Distance) Adjustment

The distance or spacing between the center of the

pupils, called “interpupillary distance” (IPD) varies

from person to person. To adjust the binocular to

match your eyes, follow these simple steps:

1. Hold your binocular in the normal viewing posi-

tion. Grasp each barrel firmly.

2. Move the barrels closer together or further apart

until you see a single circular field (don’t worry

about focus yet).

3. Always re-set your binocular to this position

before using it.

Twisted Eyecup

Rolled Eyecup

Diopter Adjustment and Focusing

1. Adjust eyecups interpupillary distance as descri-

bed in the previous sections.

2. Set the diopter adjustment ring to zero and view

a distant object.

3. Keep both eyes open at all times.

4. Using a lens cover or your hand, cover the objec-

tive (front) lens of the same side of the binocular

that has the diopter adjustment ring. This is usu-

ally the right side.

5. Using the center focus wheel, focus on a distant

object with fine detail (e.g., brick wall, tree bran-

ches, etc.) until it appears as sharp as possible.

6. Uncover the objective lens on the diopter side,

cover the other objective lens, the left side, then

view the same object.

7. Using the diopter adjustment ring, move the di-

opter adjustment marker to the “+” or “-” till you

reach focus.

Caution should be used as over turning or forcing

the diopter ring can cause damage or cause the

eyepiece to break away from the chassis.

8. Your binocular should now be adjusted for your

eyesight. Focusing for any distance can now be

done simply by turning the center focus wheel.

Make a note of your diopter setting for future



Adjustment Marker


