Modem ppp dialin, Example dialin from a win98/me computer – Obvius A7801 User Manual

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Step 2: Plug a regular telephone into the phone line that the AcquiLite is to use. Verify the line has dialtone. Attempt dialing
the ISP or RAS phone number, and confirm a modem answers the phone. If so, hangup, attach the AcquiLite to the phone
line and proceed to the next step.

Step 3: Select the Network/PPP0/ModemSetup option from the AcquiLite configuration webpage. Set the "setup string" by
clicking on the "use default" button. The default is simply “AT”. Set the "limit carrier speed" option to 33600. If the phone
line is noisy, and dialout connections are failing, you may want to reduce this setting. Click apply changes to save the

Step 4: Select the Network/PPP0/DialoutSetup option from the AcquiLite configuration webpage. Verify the basic
configuration page is shown (the default). If the “show basic” button is present in the lower right, click it to reduce the
number of choices to the following.

A. Check the box to enable dialout.
B. Enter the phone number in the space provided.
C. Enter the login name and password to the isp dialup account in the space provided.
D. Click Apply Changes to save the settings.

Step 5: Select the Network/Setup option from the AcquiLite configuration webpage. Set the DNS server(s) to the addresses
provided by your dialup ISP account provider. Click the "Apply" button to save your changes. You will be prompted to
reboot the AcquiLite for the changes to take effect. The DNS server address is required for dialup connections to be able to
locate the website for data uploading. Reboot the AcquiLite (using the system/status page, or
the console pushbutton menu.)

Step 6: Use the Connection Test page in the Testing/Diags menu on the AcquiLite for a full report of the dialout connection
progress. Even if you are not using the BMO service, you can still test dialout with this feature. You may however receive
an error that the AcquiLite is not allowed to transfer data to the BMO server. Further information on the connection test is
provided in the connection test section of this manual.

Modem PPP Dialin

The AcquiLite is designed to allow incomming connections from any generic PPP system including MacOS, Linux,
Windows 9x, XP and 2000. The dialin feature is disabled by default, and must be enabled from LCD console or the dialin
options menu in order to receive calls. Dialin options include the following.

Enabled: Check this checkbox to enable dialin support. When checked, the AcquiLite will answer any ring on the phone
line, after the first ring. If not checked, the AcquiLite will never answer a ring on the phone line.

Local IP address: This is the IP address assigned to the AcquiLite side of the dialin connection. This address is the one
which you must use on the computer in the web browser address line when remotely accessing the AcquiLite with a dialin
connection. The default is

Remote IP address: This is the IP address assigned to the calling computer. The default is

Netmask: The netmask that defines the subnet for both the local and remote ip addresses. The default is

Unless you have specific requirements, the default IP, remote IP and Netmask should be sufficient.

Example Dialin from a Win98/ME computer

The AcquiLite has the ability to receive and answer phone calls from a Windows computer in order to allow remote
configuration, or to collect data that has been logged from the pulse output devices. This feature is useful when using the
AcquiLite on a phone line and a central database server is not present. The dialin feature will support the Windows builtin
dialup networking features, and can be used as easily as a dialup ISP service.

Step 1: Collect the necessary information. You will need some details about the ISP or RAS you will be calling.

Dialin details
A dedicate phone line is required, and can not be shared with a fax machine or other device.
Telephone number: ________________________ (the phone line the AcquiLite is attached to)
Static IP address: (the AcquiLite PPP IP address)
Static Netmask:
Remote Address: (the IP address assigned to the calling computer)
Admin password: ________________________

Dialin Address Worksheet..

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A7801 AcquiLite – Data Acquisition Server