Nostalgie clocks & timer controls – ilve Built-in Oven User Manual
Page 23

Digital analogue clock
To Set the Clock
To set the time on your new ILVE
nostalgie oven, simply push and hold
in the dial on the clock until you see the
word MAn appear on the screen, this
will indicate that your clock is in manual
operation. Once the MAn appears on
the screen press in and hold the dial on
the clock for approximately 10 seconds
until the word TIME appears. release
the button then turn the dial clock wise
to set the hour time then press the dial
again once and turn the dial clockwise
to set the Minute time. Press the dial
one final time and the clock is now set.
The word MAn will appear again in the
main screen.
Timer reminder
You can program your oven to beep
at you after a certain amount of time.
To do this press the dial once then
turn the knob clockwise to the desired
amount of minutes you would like
before the oven beeps at you. Press
the dial again; you will now see the
time in the middle of the clock and the
countdown timer counting backwards
on the digital display. The timer is now
set, (the maximum countdown time is
60 minutes). If you would like to cancel
the countdown timer simply press the
dial again. This will bring you back to
the main screen where the word MAn
will appear.
PRG1 Automatic ‘Oven on’ mode
You can program the oven to
automatically turn on without you
being there. To do this press and hold
the dial in until the oven beeps at you
(approximately 5 seconds) turn the
dial until Prg1 appears then press the
dial and push the dial to confirm. Turn
the dial to the hour start time. Press
the dial again then dial up the minute
time. Press the button to once more
to complete the process. The oven is
now set to start and will flash at you
displaying ‘On’ and ‘the start time’ you
have selected. You will now need to set
a cooking function and temperature.
There will be an symbol over a bowl
of steam in the digital display. This is
indicating to you that the oven is in a
program mode. The oven will now be
non operational until the ‘oven on’ time
you have set begins. To cancel out your
program press the clock dial once and
the MAn symbol will appear again on
the display and the symbol over the
bowl of steam will disappear.
PRG2 Automatic ‘Turn off’ mode
This program allows you to shut the
oven off automatically while you are
cooking and not at the oven. To do this,
press in and hold the clock dial until it
beeps at you (approximately 5 seconds)
turn the dial until Prg2 appears and
push the dial to confirm. press the
button again and then turn the dial to
the hour you wish the oven to turn off.
Press the dial again and turn the minute
hand to your desired time. Press the
button to once more to complete the
process. The oven is now set to turn off
and will flash at you displaying ‘oFF’
and ‘the stop time’ you have selected.
There will be an symbol over a bowl
of steam in the digital display. This is
indicating to you that the oven is in
a program mode. To cancel out your
program press the clock dial once and
the MAn symbol will appear on the
display and the over the bowl of
steam will disappear.
PRG3 Automatic ‘Turn on and off’
This program combines Prg1 and
Prg2 and allows you to program the
oven to turn on and off automatically
without you being in the room. To do
this, simply press in and hold the clock
dial until it beeps at you (approximately
5 seconds) turn the dial until Prg3
appears and push the dial to confirm
and the word ‘on’ will appear. First
turn the dial to the hour time you wish
for the oven to start, then press the
dial again and select the minute time.
Second, press the dial and the word
‘off’ should appear then turn to the
hour of finishing time you would like,
then press the dial again and turn the
dial to the minute finishing time. Last,
press the dial more time and the oven
is set to start and finish. The clock will
now flash the starting time and finishing
time and an will appear over the
bowl of steam on the screen. This is
telling you the oven cannot be operated
yet because it is in a program mode.
All that there is left to do is select a
cooking mode and a temperature you
would like the oven to cook at when
the oven starts. To cancel out your
program continually press the clock dial
until the MAn symbol appears again
on the clock and the over the bowl
of steam has disappeared. note: you
cannot preheat the oven when using
these programs.
The ILVE digital nostalgie clock has a
dimmer function. The dimmer mode
works automatically once you set the
time. how it works: the dimmer will
periodically dim to a softer brightness
every hour from 9pm at night until 7am
the next morning where it will return to
full brightness.
nostalgie clocks & timer controls
t-in Ovens
ILVE Operating Manual