Henry Engineering Audio Online Abridged User Manual

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In this example, Callers on Lines 1 & 2 hear a menu (MSG #1) that offers 3

choices, MSG # 3, 4, or 5. Callers on Lines 3 & 4 hear a different menu (MSG #2)

that presents two choices, MSG #5 or 6.

Note that ANY MESAGE can be a "MENU"; a menu is simply message that tells the

caller more messages can be heard by pushing another putton on the phone.


Some applications may require the use of "multi-level" menus, where one menu

choice is another menu, which offers more choices. An example is shown below:

LINE 1 >>>>>> MSG #2

LINE 2 >>>>>>MENU, MSG #1 >>>>>>MSG #3

LINE 3 >>>>>> MSG #4

LINE 4 >>>>>> MENU, MSG #5 >>>>>>MSG #6







In this example, all calls are answered with MSG #1, the "main" menu, which

gives choices of selecting either MSG #2, #3, #4, or #5. If the caller selects

MSG #5, he hears another "secondary" menu, which presents choices of MSG #6, #7,

#8, or #9. If the STAR button is pressed, the caller will hear the MAIN menu,

MSG #1.


The way you set up Audio OnLine is entirely dependent upon how you want it to

function. Review the examples given in Section 3.1. There are an infinite

number of possibilities, but the basic rules are simple:

1. Each phone line is answered by the MSG# that is selected for that line in

the LINE ROUTING screen.

2. Any message can be a "menu"; a menu simply gives callers a list of other

messages to select.

3. Each MSG# corresponds to a button(s) on the phone: e.g., MSG#3 is selected

by pressing the #3 button, etc.

4. Each MSG# can be used for one message only. (Any MSG# can be accessed by

any phone line.)

5. Pressing the STAR button always sends the caller back to the MSG# that

originally answered the call.

6. You can use MSG #'s up to 999.

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Once messages have been recorded and the system has been started, Audio OnLine

operates automatically. Each incoming phone line will be answered with the MSG#

that is set in the Line Routing screen. If this message is a "menu", the caller

can make a selection by pressing a button on the phone. The selection can be

made during or shortly after the menu message plays. (It is normal for there to

be a 1-2 second delay before the message begins.)