Z-Systems Mac router control User Manual
Page 8

To Save a Patch and name it:
1) Select Save Patch as... from the File
menu. If the patch has not been previously
saved, you will be prompted to give it a
name. If the file has been previously saved
you will be again prompted to give it a name
2) Click on OK.
To Save a Patch:
1) Select Save Patch from the file menu.
The file will be immediatelly saved.
To Open an existing Patch:
1) Select Open Patch from the File menu.
2) Locate the desired Patch using the
standard Macintosh browser.
3) Click on OK.
To request a connection:
1) Locate the desired sound-source from
the column on the left side of the patch
2) Locate the cell at the intersection of that
row and the column underneath the desired
sound destination along the top of the patch
3) Double click in that cell or type
a grey cell in the cell you double clicked on.
4) Repeat the above process until all the
connections you want to request have been
To send the requested connections to
the router:
1) Select Send to Router from the Router
menu. The grey boxes will now have bullet
characters superimposed on them.
To get connections from the router
with or without synchronization:
1) Select Get Connections from the Router
from the Router menu or Get Connections
and Synchronize. The black bullets will
change to reflect the internal state of
connections in the router. If you selected
the synchronize option, the grey boxes will
also change.
To Edit the name of a Source or
1) Either double click on the name of the
source, or select it by clicking on it and
choose Edit Source Name or Edit
Destination name from the Router menu.
2) Enter the name in the hi-lited field.
3) Click on OK.
To Clear all Source or Destination
1) Select Clear all Source Names or select
Clear all Destination names from the
Router menu. All the Source or Destination
names will be cleared.
To Clear a connection:
1) Select the connection you wish to clear.
2) Select Clear Connection from the
Router menu.or type
connection is now set to null input.
To Clear all Connections:
1) Select Clear all connections form the
Router menu or type
connections are now set to null input.