FeiYu Tech FY-91Q User Manual
Page 23
GuiLin FeiYu Electronic Technology Co., Ltd
GuiLin FeiYu Electronic Technology Co., Ltd www.feiyudz.cn E-mail: [email protected]
Page 22
Additional Notes On Return to Home (Mode 3)
1. For FY-91Q autonomous RTH flight, similar principles to Hover Mode is
utilized, with differences in critical areas. These are:
(a) RTH utilizes the last recorded Flight Neutral Gain value.
(b) RTH will only activate after the aircraft has stabilized into a hover.
(c) There is a timed delay (between 2 to 5 seconds) between activation of
RTH and the actual procedure of returning to the home position. This
delay is to stabilize the aircraft into a hover before proceeding with
(d) Note that due to (c) above, if your aircraft is moving forward during the
time of RTH engagement, it will not stop immediately. Time is required
for it to stabilize into a hover before proceeding with RTH function.
2. Due to the reason (a) above, we highly advise that you carry out the Hover
Hold procedure at the start of every flight so that the FY-91Q has a record of
your latest Neutral Gain value incase RTH needs to be engaged.
3. Engage the Hover Mode Switch for at least 2 seconds for the system to learn
and record your latest Neutral Gain values.
FY-91Q Ground Control Station Function
1. The FY-91Q the UART interface can be connected to the FY digital Data
Radio, such as FY606 (2.4 Ghz) and FY602 (433 MHz) for bidirectional
communication between your field PC (GCS) and the FY-91Q autopilot.
2. You will require to download the latest FY-GCS software to utilize the
GCS function of the FY-91Q.
3. FY-GCS enables you can display the onboard autopilot telemetry data on
to your GCS display, including the GPS position of the aircraft on Google
4. You can remotely adjust the flight parameters of the FY-91Q via the GCS
We will release more information about this feature in future FY-91Q
manual updates.