Start up & operation procedure – AquaCraft SuperVee 27R User Manual
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1. Turn on your transmitter, taking note that the power light is illuminated.
2. Stand clear of the propeller and plug each of the main batteries into the ESC.
3. At this time you will hear one beep. To arm the ESC, squeeze the throttle trigger and hold until you hear one more beep. Release the
throttle trigger and you will hear three more. Your boat is now ready to operate.
4. If your boat does not beep after plugging in the batteries, turn the throttle trim knob either left or right until you hear the boat beep.
Plug in the packs
Squeeze the throttle trigger and hold
Release the trigger
You boat is now ready to operate!
One (1) beep
One (1) beep
Three (3) beeps
Now is a good time to check the rotation of the prop. Very quickly jab the throttle trigger and check the direction of the motor. It should
spin the propeller counterclockwise when viewing the boat from the back. If the motor spins the wrong way, simply switch any two of the
three wires between the motor and the ESC. Warning: Do not hold the throttle down for more than one or two seconds to check the motor
direction or you might risk damaging the motor. Also check the steering direction. When you turn the wheel to the right, the back of the
rudder blade should also move to the right.
Install the cowl and snap it in place by pushing down on the back
latch. You are now ready to run the boat.
Launch the boat in water that is at least 12" deep and weed free. You
can set the boat still in the water and hit the throttle or you can hand
launch it (toss the boat in with a forward motion and power up as
the boat hits the water). The boat will leave using either method.
When using the still method, you are going to have to be quite
aggressive with the throttle to get the boat on plane.
When the batteries are exhausted, bring the boat in and unplug the
batteries. Be careful as the motor and batteries can become very
hot during operation.
The handling and performance of your SuperVee 27R can be disrupted by the smallest obstructions in the water. If you happen to pick up a
small duck feather or leaf, the power system could draw more current than the ESC is capable of handling; the performance of the boat will
be compromised and you could damage the motor, ESC or batteries. Please make sure the water you are running in is clear of obstructions.
Its also important to note that if you operate the boat for extended periods of time at less than full throttle, you can overheat the ESC. It is
a good idea to get into the habit of looking for water squirting out the water cooling exit on the port side of the boat. When the boat is in
operation water will be squirting out of the exit about 8" to 12".
• No signal between the transmitter and the boat: Check to make sure the transmitter is bound to the receiver. To bind, open the radio box
by prying up on the side tabs. Remove the protective balloon from the receiver. With the transmitter turned on and the batteries plugged
into the boat, press and hold the bind button on the top of the receiver (use a tooth pick or other small pointed object) for approximately
4 seconds or until the system binds. You will know it’s bound when the small LED hidden behind the face of the receiver stops fl ashing
and stays lit.
• Boat runs backwards: Switch any two of the three motor wires.
• ESC will not arm: Move the throttle trim knob slowly clockwise and then counterclockwise to adjust the center point of the throttle
system. Also check the throttle reverse switch to make sure it is in the down position.
• Boat is slow to take off: This is called cavitation and is normal with the stock prop. Try being more aggressive with the throttle during
the launch or toss the boat forward with more force, applying power as the boat touches the water. It is also important to note that metal
props fl ex less, reducing cavitation.
• Boat slows down or shuts off in the middle of a run: Check for weeds on the prop or any obstruction blocking the water cooling pickup.
• After a run the motor and batteries are VERY hot: Check to make sure the water pickup is not plugged. Check to see that the prop is not
broken or that you have changed to a propeller that is too large for the power system.