Racing – AquaCraft SuperVee 27R User Manual

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Below are a set of racing rules provided to use from our friends of the Puget Sound Fast Electric Model Boat Club based in Washington
State. These rules have been taking off across the country and can help you and your friends come up with your own racing program.

This class is a spec series for the AquaCraft SuperVee27R (SV27) RTR Brushless Mono in its stock form. Only a select set of well defi ned

modifi cations will be allowed. The boat will otherwise remain OEM stock.

Spec SV27 races will be held as either a standard 5-Lap Sprint Race or a 10-Lap endurance race. The hosting club shall announce the

offi cial race length prior to date of the race.


The SV27 must remain in stock form, using only OEM parts as delivered, with the exception of the following allowances:

Factory fl ex cable assembly and motor coupler may be replaced with any .150" Flex cable assembly and appropriate motor coupler. The

distance from the transom to the propeller shall not be altered. Motor output shaft may be trimmed to facilitate installation of motor
coupler and to increase coupler to stuffi ng tube clearance.

• Material may be removed at the forward end of the strut housing to eliminate interference with the transom, but no further aft than the

leading edge of the strut’s vertical mounting bracket.

• Holes in the stock trim tabs may be opened up to allow tabs to be aligned fl ush with the bottom of the hull. Alternate trim tabs may be fi tted

provided they serve no other purpose and that the wetted area does not exceed 33mm (1.3 in.) in length by 29mm (1.14 in.) in width.
Alternate tabs may be adjustable. Alternate tabs must be mounted in the OEM location and have the width of the wetted area centered on
this location.

• Stock turn fi n must be retained unmodifi ed, but the leading edge may be sharpened. No modifi cations to the mounting bracket or bracket

location are allowed. No additional fi ns are allowed. A mounting bracket for a left side fi n may be present, but shall not be used.

• Stock rudder may be sharpened and water cooling hole may be cleaned up to improve cooling. No other modifi cations to rudder are


• Motor Water cooling jacket may be replaced. Water cooling outlet may be modifi ed or replaced. Water cooling tubing may be replaced.

• Receiver and transmitter may be replaced.

• Any antenna may be used. Holes may be drilled in the hull to mount a replacement antenna, provided they serve no other purpose. Existing

antenna hole may be fi lled or covered.

• The hull, from the chine up, may be painted or have graphics applied as desired. Hull bottom may be “scuffed”, but must otherwise remain


• Any adjustment within the designed range of adjustment for any part is permitted. No part may be modifi ed to provide adjustment beyond

the given factory tolerances.

• Fasteners may be replaced with metric or standard replacements.

• Hatch may be taped down. Factory locking mechanism may be removed and existing holes fi lled or taped over.

• Battery requirements: Any capacity Sub-C NiMH 12-cell battery set will be permitted. OEM connectors shall be retained.

• OEM propeller shall be used. Propeller may be cleaned up to remove fl ashing, but must otherwise remain unmodifi ed.

• Alternately, a hosting club may specify a propeller for an event, provided they supply supplemental regulations clarifying the propeller

selection. The host club must take measures to insure that all propellers for the event are prepared as equitably as possible and to notify
competitors in advance of the propeller selection.

Records shall only be maintained using the OEM propeller as specifi ed above.

No other modifi cations or substitution of parts is permitted. Any repairs required due to race damage must be done in a fashion so as to

return the SV27 to its factory specifi cations. Inspection for compliance with these rules will be at the discretion of the event CD, and boats
exhibiting modifi cation or unauthorized repairs beyond the scope of these rules will be excluded from competition.