AquaCraft SuperVee 27R User Manual

Page 12

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2. Using the same 3mm hex wrench and a 7mm nut

driver (Note: you are going to need a thin wall nut driver)

remove the two center strut bolts and set aside.

3. You can now see that the center strut is free from

its mount and can be removed if needed.

Grimracer Says: Here is a great race tip

if you wish to follow along. With the strut

removed, fi le the forward boss away from

the strut. This will give you more room for adjustments if

needed. I also like to place a radii around the bottom edge

of the strut. This assures minimal lift is created from any

water that approaches the leading edge of the strut.

4. With the strut slid back fully on to the back of the stuffi ng

tube, use a fi rm but gentle pulling motion to hyper-extend the

brass stuffi ng tube. You really only need to bend it about 5

or 6mm to get enough room for adjustment. Take your time.

If you pull it too hard you could damage the stuffi ng tube.