Adobe acrobat capture options, Operating system requirements for ascent capture, Kofax pdf options adobe acrobat capture options – Kofax Capture Export Connector User Manual

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Ascent® 7.0 Release Script for FileNet Panagon Content Services 5.2-5.4 Release Notes


Kofax Image Products

Kofax PDF Options

To release Kofax PDF documents, you must enable Ascent Capture Kofax PDF generation in your

applicable document class and add the Kofax PDF Generator queue to your applicable batch class.

X To add the Kofax PDF Generator queue to a batch class


From the Create Batch Class dialog box or Batch Class Properties dialog box, select the

Queues tab.


Select PDF Generator from the list of Available Queues, and click Add.


Click Apply to save your settings without closing the dialog box. Click OK to save your

settings and close the dialog box.

X To enable Kofax PDF generation for a document class


From the Create Document Class dialog box or Document Class Properties dialog box,

select the PDF tab.


Check the Enable Kofax PDF generation check box to enable Kofax PDF processing for the

document class.


Click Apply to save your settings without closing the dialog box. Click OK to save your

settings and close the dialog box.

For more information about creating Kofax PDF documents, refer to the Getting Started with Ascent

Capture guide.

Adobe Acrobat Capture Options

The Release Script for FileNet Panagon Content Services supports Adobe Acrobat Capture. This

section contains information related to using Adobe Acrobat Capture for your Adobe PDF


For additional details about creating Adobe Acrobat Capture PDF documents, refer to the

documentation that came with your Adobe Acrobat Capture product.

Operating System Requirements for Ascent Capture

If you are using Adobe Acrobat Capture to release Adobe PDF documents, your Ascent Capture

Administration and Release workstations must be running on Windows XP or Windows 2000

computers. Windows 95, Windows 98, and Windows NT are not supported operating systems for

Ascent Capture.

Adobe Acrobat Capture and the Ascent Capture Release Workstation Installations

During the conversion process, communication must occur between Adobe Acrobat Capture and

the Ascent Capture Release module. However, due to timing conflicts, Adobe Acrobat Capture

and Ascent Capture cannot be run at the same time on a workstation. Therefore, Adobe Acrobat

Capture and Ascent Capture must be installed on separate workstations on the same LAN.