Resources and workspace logon url – Kofax TotalAgility AP Automation User Manual

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Functional Demo Script

Kofax TotalAgility AP Automation Kofax TotalAgility AP Automation Guide


b Import documents (replace VAT documents mentioned in the demo script):

\DemoDocuments\SalesTax Invoices


\DemoDocuments\SalesTax Invoices \02.02.StraightThrough.tif

Resources and Workspace Logon URL

The Functional Demo has been setup to use the following resources.



Accounts Payable Group

Olga Powers (Username = opowers)

AP Admin Group

Brian Lock (Username = block)

AP ERP Exceptions Group

Ciaran Link (Username = clink)

AP Exceptions Group

Derek Plank (Username = dplank)

Coding Review Group

Ben Collins (Username = bcollins)

Freight Review Group

▪ Natalie Prank (Username = nprank)
▪ Gerry Parker (Username = gparker)

Invoice Review Group

▪ Natalie Prank (Username = nprank)
▪ Hannah Trotter (Username = htrotter)

PurchaseOrder Buyer

Jane Pike (Username = jpike)

Purchasing Group

Kaythrn Tate(Username = ktate)

QA Review Group

▪ Natalie Prank (Username = nprank)
▪ Lionel Blair(Username = lblair)


▪ John Steel (Username = jsteel)
▪ Max Power (Username = mpower)
▪ Sammy Davies (Username = sdavies)
▪ Tony Hork (Username = thork)

Supplier Maintenance Group

Mike Wood (Username = mwood)

Tax Review Group

Natalie Prank (Username = nprank)

Validation Review Group

Olga Powers (Username = opowers)

1 To be able to take all activities and complete the demo as the same resource, add a valid

Kofax TotalAgility resource to all the groups.

2 Resources can be edited using the designer.

a In TotalAgility, on the Home page, click Resources > Resource.
b Resource Extensions are used in AP to control the process flow:

▪ Authorization approval level
▪ Next Approver
▪ Currency