Front brake adjustment, Rear brake adjustment – Yamaha pw80 User Manual

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b. To adjust the plunger stroke, first loosen

the lock nut.

c. Turn the adjusting bolt in or out for pro­

per adjustment.

Turning the adjusting bolt clockwise de­

creases the plunger stroke; while turning

counterclockwise increases the plunger


d. When the correct stroke is attained,

tighten the lock nut.

Minimum stroke

0.40 - 0.45 mm


Maximum stroke

1.00 ~ 1.10 mm

(0.039 «^0.043 in)


Front brake cable free play can be adjusted

to suit rider preference, but a minimum

free play of 10 ~ 20 mm (0.39 ~ 0.79 in)

should be maintained. Free play can be ad­

justed at handlebar lever and brake shoe



Loosen the lock nut on the brake lever

holder and then, fully turn the adjuster in.

2. Loosen the lock nut on the shoe plate and

turn the adjuster in or out until proper ad­

justment is achieved.

3. Unless the shoe plate adjuster helps bring

a proper play, turn the lever holder ad­


4. Tighten the lock nuts.

Free play (a):

10-20 mm (0.39 - 0.79 in)


The rear brake should be adjusted so the end

of the brake pedal moves 20 ~ 30 mm (0.8 ~ 1.2

in). To adjust, turn the adjuster on the brake

rod clockwise to reduce play; turn the adjuster

counterclockwise to increase play.

Free play (a):

10-20 mm (0.39 - 0.79 in)
