Press tape, B press ^ open on both decks and insert the tapes, Pi press rev 1viode to select the reverse mode – Panasonic SCAK75 User Manual

Page 36: Press tape edit to start recording, To stop recording, To start recording on the reverse side, To record from a specific point on a tape, I.- :i

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The recording level wilt be recorded as they are on the tape being

played back.

Press TAPE.

B Press ^ OPEN on both decks and insert the


For playback: Into deck 1

For recording: Into deck 2

Close the holders by hand.
Tape direction is automatically set to

PI Press REV 1VIODE to select the reverse mode.

Every time you press the button;

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One side is recorded, then recording stops auto­

c:Z.y- Both sides (front side^reverse side) are recorded,

then recording stops automatically.

□ Press TAPE EDIT to start recording.

• If you selected in step 3, the direction will automatically

change to TTto when recording starts.

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To stop recording:

Press ■.

Both decks will stop.

To start recording on the reverse side

Load a tape and change the tape direction as following.

1. Press TAPE DECK 1/2 and select tape deck 2.

2. Press M and immediately thereafter ■. The tape direction will be

shown as

To record from a specific point on a tape

Before recording, advance the tape to the point from where you

want to start recording.