Turning the demo function on/off, Q switch on the power, Q press clockn'flvier to select “clock – Panasonic SCAK75 User Manual

Page 11: Within 7 seconds or so), Press v or a to show the present time, Press clock/tilwer to finish setting the time, To display the time when power is on, Setting the mmé m

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When the demo function is activated, a demonstration of the spec­
trum analyzer using space travel images is shovi/n on the display

Turning the demo function ON/OFF

Press POWER and hold down DISPLAY/DEMO,
Every time you hold down the button;



When the demo function is ON, the demo is played automatically in
the following cases.

•When the system is ON

If the input source is set to CD or tape, and the system is stopped

for more than 2 minutes

•When the system is OFF

If the clock has not been set

Setting the Mmé m

This is a 12-hour display clock.
This example in the figure shows how to set the time for
4:25 p,m.

Q Switch on the power.

Q Press CLOCKn'flVIER to select “CLOCK”.

Every time you press the button;


^—Previous display^----- 1

(within 7 seconds or so)

Press V or A to show the present time.

Press CLOCK/TilWER to finish setting the time.

The display will return to whatever was displayed before you
set the time.

To display the time when power is ON

Press CLOCK/TIMER to select “CLOCK”.

The time will be displayed for about 5 seconds and then the display
will return to whatever was previously displayed.




