Penpower ViaTalk (Win) User Manual

Page 11

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● Operation for Android Phone

1. Select the speech language on the phone.
2. Tap the microphone icon on the phone to start the speech.

It will show the interpreted text in the text editor after your


Tip: Please input correct notations to get the best translation.

● Operation for iPhone

1. Click the button

to switch the Keyboard Language that

you want to enter and interpret. If your Siri device is turned
off, please go to [Settings]/ [General]/ [Siri] and turn on the
Siri device.

2. If you want to change Keyboard Language in the Input Method,

please go to [Settings]/ [General]/ [Keyboard]/ [Keyboard]. You
can delete any language's keyboard by clicking [Edit] on the top
right of the screen. Or click [Add New Keyboard] below to add
more language's keyboard.

3. Click the microphone icon

, and you can start to talk.

Click [Translation] of ViaTalk PC software and select the

translation language on the ViaTalk PC software.