Troubleshooting, Appendix – Boltek EFM-100 v.2 User Manual

Page 43

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A P P E N D I X A – T R O U B L E S H O O T I N G




Signal Lost Fault


The EFM-100 software will report a “signal lost” fault if it does not receive data from the field mill

for more than a few seconds. You will need to determine why the data is not reaching the software.

Possible causes will depend on the type of field mill connection: USB/RS-232 or network.

Remote Field Mill: If the field mill is a remote network connected field mill the problem will need

to be solved at the remote computer. Troubleshoot at the remote computer as a USB/RS232

connected field mill.

USB/RS232 Field Mill: If you are experiencing a Signal Lost Fault on field mill directly connected

to your computer’s USB or RS232 port you will first need to determine if there is data coming from

the field mill down the fiber optic cable. Check the power supply to the field mill.

It may be possible to see the optical signal coming down the fiber. At the computer unplug the fiber

optic ST connector from the EFA-10 Fiber Optic Adapter. If the field mill is transmitting data the

signal should be visible as a faint red dot in the center of the connector’s white tip. As the dot is very
small (pin prick in size) it may be necessary to dim the room light to see it. If the red dot is visible

the field mill is transmitting properly. Check your computer connections and configuration.

It is possible to view the field mill data using HyperTerminal or another terminal program. First exit
the EFM-100 display software then start HyperTerminal. Data is transmitted from the field mill at

9600 baud, 8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit. RS232 connected field mills usually show up on COM1

or COM2 while USB connected field mills usually show up on COM3, COM4 or even higher com

