Bagian 1 pendahuluan – PROLiNK PPL1202N Quick Installation Guide User Manual

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PROLiNK PPL1202N Buku Manual

Versi 1.00 (Jul’10)



Selamat atas pembelian Anda dari PROLiNK® PPL1202N Powerline 200M Wall-Mount Wireless-N AP. Powerline
AP adalah pilihan yang sempurna untuk menghubungkan kelompok kecil dari PC atau klien nirkabel. Nir kabel yang
terintegrasi dengan jaringan Powerline AP, perangkat dapat memperluas cakupan pada jaringan rumah Anda.

Manfaat menggunakan Powerline APdan wireless 11 b/g/n, Anda dapat menghubungkan PC ke internet dimana saja di
rumah Anda.

Internet Access

o TCP/IP, UDP, ICMP, ARP, RARP, Static IP assignment


o IEEE 802.3, 802.3u Ethernet standards
o HomePlug AV
o IEEE 802.11b/g and 11n Wireless standards


o Prioritized random access, contention-free access and segment bursting
o Eight levels of prioritized random access, contention-free access, and segment bursting

Powerline AP Modulation

o FDM (Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing) with patented signal processing techniques for high data

reliability in noisy media conditions

o Supports QAM 256/64/16, DQPSK, DBPSK and ROBO modulation schemes


o Provide 128-bit AES link encryption for Powerline AP network

Wireless Features

o Support 802.11b/g and n Wireless Access Point, WDS and AP Client
o Support 128-Bit and 64-Bit WEP encryption , 802.1x, WPA, WPA2 and WPS


o High-Speed Powerline AP adapter with Ethernet interface for fast data transfer over the existing household power


o The high-speed transfer rates of 200Mbps even make it possible to transmit video in DVD quality
o No need new wires and use at any power socket with up to ranges of 200 meters

HTTP Web-Based Management

o Firmware upgrade by UI
o Password protected access

Personal computer (PC)

Pentium II 233 MHz processor minimum

32 MB RAM minimum

20 MB of free disk space minimum

Ethernet Network Interface Controller (NIC) RJ45 Port

Internet Browser

1.3 Kebutuhan


1.2 Fitur

1.1 Tinjauan