Redaq, Shape for maq, 20 installation and operation – Impulse MAQ20-940 Quick Start Guide User Manual

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Quick Start Guide


4.0 ReDAQ


Shape for MAQ


20 Installation and Operation

Download the ReDAQ


Shape for MAQ


20 Developer version User version software from the

Dataforth website,


If the system will be used with a USB connection to the host PC, the USB Driver must be installed
prior to connecting the system to the computer. Download the driver from


follow the installation instructions.

After installation has completed, double click the blue ReDAQ Shape icon on the desktop. When
the software starts up, the Acquire Panel and the MAQ20-System tab will be selected.

Figure 8: Start up window, ReDAQ Shape for MAQ20

If the system is connected via USB, ensure the USB Port radio button is selected.

If the system is connected via RS-232 or RS-485, ensure the Serial Port radio button is selected.
Select the appropriate Communication Port number from the drop-down menu. For the initial
connection leave the Baud Rate, Parity and Slave ID unchanged.

If the serial communication port number is not known, press the New Ports: Search button. This
will execute a process that will search through the Serial Comm Ports on the host computer and
detect which port the MAQ


20 system is connected to.