Gardner Bender Mini-Eegor Hydraulic Bender User Manual

Page 4

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12. The follow bar is next inserted between the pipe

and the rollers. The cylinder plunger should be fully
retracted, but not to the extent of locking up the
assembly. If a little slack is allowed so that the
bending shoe and frame components are loose, the
“start” end of the follow bar (with the ramp) can be
readily inserted until it contacts the U-strap.

11. The U-strap must now be assembled to clamp the

pipe to the bending shoe. Hydraulically retract the
cylinder plunger until the U-strap hole in the shoe
approaches the edge of the aluminum load arm
(bender frame). The greatest clearance for easiest
assembly exists when the U-strap hole is right next
to the load arm edge. Assemble the correct size
insert into the U-strap for the size pipe to be bent.
(No insert is required for the 2” size.) Assemble the
U-strap assembly over the conduit onto the shoe,
and insert the U-strap into the aligned holes until it
bottoms on the handle. Lay the handle flat against
the U-strap and oriented away from the bender
frame so that it will not contact the frame while
bending (see Figure 10).

13. The end of the follow bar must be inserted at least

as far as the rollers at the cylinder rod eye so that
all of the short steel rollers can ride on the follow
bar pressure surface (see Figure 11).

14. You are now ready to bend pipe. Actuate the

cylinder, and observe that the follow bar moves
together with the pipe as it passes through the roller
assembly (see Figure 12). If the follow bar does not
move, it has not been inserted far enough.
Immediately retract the cylinder plunger and re-seat
the follow bar so that it will move with the pipe.

15. Actuate the cylinder until the desired angle of bend

is achieved, as indicated by the bend angle scale
on the bending shoe as it emerges from under the
edge of the upper roller plate. A maximum 90°
bend is obtainable on all sizes and types of conduit
in one set-up with the Mini-Eegor™ (see Figure 13).

Figure 9

Figure 10

Figure 11

Figure 12

Insert pipe here

To prevent U-strap from damaging
conduit, be sure U-strap is completely
against the shoe prior to bending.

The end of the follow bar
must project past the contact
line of the short steel rollers.