Veris Technologies pH Manager - Operating Instructions User Manual

Page 60

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Pub.# OM17-MSP-pH


4. Testing that the external controller is receiving/acknowledging the command sent to

it by the DataLogger or PC.

a) Turn on the external pH Controller.
b) Open up a HyperTerminal session on a PC:

Click Start►Programs►Accessories►Communications►HyperTerminal. A new
session of Hyper Terminal should open. In the box labeled “Connect using___” you
will need to select the Com port you will be using.
(on Windows 2000 and older: Under the Call menu, click Disconnect.)
Under the File menu, click Properties.
Click the Configure… button.
Change the settings to:

Bits per second: 9600
Data Bits: 8
Parity: None
Stop bits: 1
Flow Control: None

Click OK on both boxes.
Under the File menu, click Save As…
enter 9600 for the file name and click OK.
(on Windows 2000 and older: Under the Call menu, click Connect.)


Plug the serial cable from the external controller into the PC’s serial port. The data
in Hyper Terminal should be similar to this:

-237 -285 3A


-237 -285 3A

The important piece of information here is the first two characters. They tell you the
“state” of the controller. You should see 7E if you just turned on the controller, in
which the controller is waiting for a certain command from the Instrument. When you
see the “INIT ERR” message on the Instrument’s screen, it is receiving this state from
the controller.