Veris Technologies pH Manager - Operating Instructions User Manual
Page 51

Pub.# OM17-MSP-pH
Procedure #1: Checking power inside External Controller
The Veris pH module requires a minimum of 12 volts at all times. 12 volts at the battery terminals
is NOT sufficient power for the system to function, due to the significant current draw when the
pumps and solenoids are engaged. Reduced voltage can be caused by corroded or dirty terminals,
and an inadequately charged battery or failure in the charging system. Because there is often a
voltage drop found in tractor power ports, you should hook the pH module power cables directly to
the battery. TIP: if automatic cycling is erratic, disconnect wash pump power from pH external
controller. If system cycles normally, the cause is most likely due to inadequate electric power.
If the Veris electrical system is not functioning properly, the Troubleshooting flowcharts will direct
you through the most logical steps to identify the cause of the problem. If the problem persists, you
will likely need to check the power inside the External Controller in order to isolate power system
problems. An overview of this procedure is shown in Figure1.
Figure 1.1 Flowchart for checking power in External Controller.
1. Inspect LED’s on External Controller circuit board.
Remove metal plate covering external controller and inspect the fuse LED lights, as shown in
Figure 2. If the green LED for its fuse is lit, the fuse is working.