Veris Technologies 3150-C Soil EC Mapping System - Product Bulletin User Manual
3150-c soil ec mapping system, Product bulletin

Product Bulletin
Soil EC Mapping is Now Easier Than Ever…
The Veris 3150 has many of the proven features of the
3100, but is built on the Mobile Sensor Platform (MSP).
Customers who envision mapping with other sensors in
the future can get started using the MSP with EC 3150.
The MSP provides additional flexibility: it can be used in
a pull-type or 3-point hitch configuration. Its coulter-
electrodes can be moved and wings extended to allow
mapping in emerged row crops
—or wings removed for
vineyard or other narrow applications.
Soil EC Mapping System
Soil EC
Quad 1000
Soil EC
VS 3100
601 N. Broadway Salina KS 67401
(785) 825-1978
EC maps relate to soil texture and salinity
—a fact that
has been verified by extensive scientific research.
Where the soil EC map shows the soil changes
will find a change at that location. And the mapping
only needs to be done once, unless you do significant
soil moving. EC maps made a decade apart show the
same soil management zones.
The Veris 3150 generates two sets of maps, a topsoil
map from 0-
18”(45 cm) and one of the soil profile 0-36”
(91 cm). While uses vary, the top layer is often used for
soil sample site selection, and the deeper map for
variable rate populations and nitrogen management.
Yet it has the rugged welded steel framework,
heavy-duty coulter-electrodes, dual depth arrays,
and user simplicity that has made Veris EC systems
the worldwide leader in on-the-go soil sensing.