Veris Technologies Soil EC - Field Reference Guide User Manual
Field reference guide--soil ec

4. Install test load on EC Surveyor rear panel—port marked
EC Signal. Turn power on. (For more information, see
Maintenance and Service Procedure #1 in Operating
Instruction Manual)
5. Check electrical continuity from EC Surveyor to coulter-
electrode blades, using Implement test box and ohmmeter.
(For more information, see Maintenance and Service
Procedure #2 in Operating Instruction Manual)
6. Check isolation on coulters—no metal part of any coulter may
contact the implement frame or another coulter. (For more
information, especially if EC values do not drop to –1 when
implement is raised, see Maintenance and Service Procedure
#3C in Operating Instruction Manual)
EC values should be:
2000XA and 3100:
Shallow 14
Deep 21
MSP 3150:
Shallow 11
Deep 40
Readings are acceptable if
within 1 number from these.
-Connect the signal extension cable to
the test box.
-Touch one lead of an ohmmeter to the
#1 coulter blade (left hand, standing
behind the unit) and the other lead to the
#1 terminal on the test box. A reading of
less than 2 ohms is normal. Rotate blade
¼ turn as you check ohms.
-Continue to check each coulter electrode
in succession, left to right.
-If any coulter electrode exhibits no
continuity or resistance higher than 2
ohms, refer to the maintenance or trouble
shooting sections for possible causes.
Connect one lead of an ohmmeter to each individual
coulter electrode, and the other to a grounded
fastener on the frame. Perform test on each coulter-
electrode. Check ohms between all adjacent coulter-
electrodes. If coulter electrodes are properly isolated,
no readings will be obtained between coulters and
frames or between adjacent coulters.
Field Reference Guide--Soil EC
Keep with EC System and refer to daily.
(Refer to Operating Instruction Manual for complete instructions)
1. Inspect unit for loose
or missing bolts, other
obvious problems
2. Do coulter-electrode
blades rotate freely?
Excessive side play or
rotating problems indicates
service needed.
3. Clear mud build-up from toolbar