Intel Peavey ReValver MK III User Manual
Page 27

Module name = Wow-Wah!
Description = A Wah pedal is a low-, high-, or band-pass filter with adjustable frequency. At the
point of cut off, there is a peak with adjustable resonance, making the Guitar sound “waaaoooow-
wwoooaaa”. The resonance has similarities with the human mouth, hence the name. The fre-
quency can be controlled either by a MIDI pedal (or the main knob) or by auto matic rotation. The
resonance can range between any 2 frequencies of your choice. An extra knob adds overtones
that enhance tonal clarity.
Module name = BassBox
Description = This is a distortion pedal with a harmonic spectrum tailored for bass Guitar. The
even har monics are stronger than the odd, making the distortion very smooth and borderline
“clean.” A sec ond gain knob allow ordinary diode clipping (somewhat asymmetrical). This module
can be used to add small amounts of color and spice to the bass sound.