Intel Peavey ReValver MK III User Manual

Page 10

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Quality modes
By pressing the gearwheel icon on the title module you can select the Startup quality mode.
The mix-down quality mode forces 64-bit processing at 4x oversampling. This mode fully exposes
the qualities of the program, whereas the normal “real time” mode may be a little more noisy and
is likely to contain some aliasing noise (especially in high gain amps).

It is recommended to always use the “mix-down mode” when freezing/rendering or when mix ing
a track. Please be aware that the additional requirements of mix-down mode could make the
multitracker stutter or drop out if run at real time. The CPU requirements is more than 5 times
that of the real-time mode. To switch the mode, you must restart the VST/AU host to allow all
instances of ReValver to fully reload. Every new instance of ReValver® will be started in the cur-
rent startup mode. In some cases, the sound of ReValver can be different when switching modes.
That is because not all features can be accurately expressed in real-time mode, but only in mix-
down mode.

Selecting modules
To insert a module anywhere in the signal chain, right-click your mouse on “click for a new module
here.” The module selector allows you to select modules from their categories, and will display a
brief description about each module.

Moving modules

One of the coolest features in ReValver MK III is how easy it is to move modules around, totally
reconfiguring the signal chain on the fly. To move a module, simply move the cursor to the right
of the module over the rack screw until your cursor turns into a 4-pointed cross, then hold the
mouse button down and move the module where you want it. Release the button and you’re
done! Be mindful, however, that not all routing will sound good. For example, putting your amp
directly into a Chorus pedal is not very pleasing to the ear!

Toggling between mono and stereo
Each module can be set individually to process the signal in either mono or stereo. It either
merges the channels or expands them depending on how the previous module is set. Some
mod ules, such as REVERB, VOLUME EFFECTS and DELAY, are set to STEREO by DEFAULT.

If the host (VST, AU, DirectX) has patched ReValver MK III on a mono track, all pro cessing will be
converted to stereo.