Intel Peavey ReValver MK III User Manual

Page 21

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Module name = M-998
Description = This simple power amp, uses 2 triodes in series for extra gain, and also uses a pair of
tonal character filters, that can be tweaked in the Tweak GUI.

Module name = Standard Power Amp #2
Description = This power amp has a standard push-pull end stage, but not driven by the usual
Long Tail Pair (LTP). It does have a “clean” switch for less drive and slightly different tonal char-

Module name = ‘62 BluesMaker power amp
Description = This power amp is taken directly out of the ‘62 BluesMaker. It has a drive and pres-
ence control, and has a standard Negative Feedback Loop (NFB) to which the presence control is
attached. The NFB shapes the distortion character of the power stage.