Initio – Initio I/O HIGHWAY User Manual
Page 28

1 Access the Windows 95 CD-ROM from either the DOS prompt or from Microsoft
Windows 3.x File Manager. Execute the SETUP.EXE program and follow the instruc-
tions on your screen. If you are installing from floppy diskette, insert the Windows 95
Setup Disk 1 in your floppy disk drive and boot your system. Follow the instructions
on your screen.
2 Once a Windows 95 session is established, use your installed mouse or the appropri-
ate key strokes to select MY COMPUTER from the MAIN DESKTOP. Execute the
following steps:
Select CONTROL PANEL from within the MY COMPUTER icon.
Select SYSTEM from within the CONTROL PANEL group
Select DEVICE MANAGER tab from within the SYSTEM group
Select the OTHER DEVICES category from within the DEVICE MANAGER listing.
Select the PCI-SCSI Bus Controller sub-category from within the OTHER DE-
VICES listing.
In the Initio PCI-SCSI Bus Controller Properties window, select the DRIVER tab,
then select CHANGE DRIVER....
In the SELECT DEVICE window, select HAVE DISK....
3 In the INSTALL FROM DISK window, enter the Initio Driver path name:
Insert the
into drive A:
Type: A:\WIN95, select OK
4 Select Initio INI-9XXXU/UW PCI SCSI Host Adapter, select OK, then OK
again to install the INI910U.MPD driver onto your hard disk drive. It may be necessary to
direct Windows to look for the driver in A:\win95 before the driver can be copied. This step may
need to be repeated more than once.
5 Following installation of the Initio INI-9XXXU/UW Windows 95 driver for all channels,
reboot your system to activate the SCSI device driver.
6 It is highly recommended that you Initios Windows 95 device driver has been
properly installed by selecting MY COMPUTER from the desktop. Then select
Select SYSTEM from within the CONTROL PANEL group,
Select DEVICE MANAGER from within the SYSTEM group,
Select SCSI CONTROLLER from within the DEVICE MANAGER listing, and
Select Initio INI-9XXXU/UW PCI SCSI Host Adapter from within the SCSI
CONTROLLER listing. If This device is working properly is displayed on your
screen, the driver has been correctly installed.
Microsoft Windows 95/95b (OSR2) Driver Installation