Ms-dos/windows 3.1x driver installation, Initio, Aspi manager command line options – Initio INI-9090U User Manual

Page 23: Aspi cd-rom driver command line options

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MS-DOS/Windows 3.1x Driver Installation

ASPI Manager Command Line Options

Below is a list of command line options. The Initio ASPI Manager, ASPI910U, supports

command line switches to optimize driver operation. From inside the CONFIG.SYS file



, use the following format when modifying the device driver switches:

The standard format for command line switches is:

Device = C:\INIASPI\ASPI910U.SYS [Driver Config Option]


Verbose Mode provides detailed information about the driver on system command

line when the driver is initialized.


Driver scan eight LUNs for each SCSI Target.


Scan device only on PCI BUS #b, PCI DEVICE #dd

The range for “b” is from 0 to 7.

The range for “dd” is from 0 to 20.


Scan all the devices on the PCI BUS #b

The range for “b” is from 0 to 7.


Scan device only on the PCI BUS #0 and device #dd

The range for “dd” is from 0 to 20.


Defines the maximum number of concurrent I/O that driver supports.

The range for “x” is from 1 to 16.

ASPI CD-ROM Driver Command Line Options

INICD.SYS is a DOS device driver for supporting


drives. It is the interface

between MSCDEX.EXE (supplied by Microsoft


) and the physical CDROM drive.

INICD.SYS is automatically loaded in the CONFIG.SYS start up file by the Initio




programs. INICD.SYS requires that the Initio ASPI Manager be

loaded. INICD.SYS can be loaded with either the DEVICE= or DEVICEHIGH= com-

mand. INICD.SYS can be found on


. Below is a list

of command line options and examples.

/D: /d: This option is used to specify the name of the device driver. The name speci-

fied must also be passed to MSCDEX.EXE on it’s command line (Using the same /D: or

/d: option). The name specified must be 8 or less characters in length. Valid characters

are the A-Z, a-z, 0-9 and underscore. The name must start with a letter.




/T /t

This option is used to specify a Time out value to be used when sending com-

mands to a CDROM drive. If a CDROM drive does not respond to a command within the

specified time out then the command will be aborted and an appropriate error message will

be displayed. The time out value is specified in minutes. Valid values are 1-9 and D or d.