IBM TIVOLI ADSTAR 5697-VM3 User Manual

Page 50

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1. The steps that follow help you determine the Tivoli ADSM for VM file pool space requirements, file

pool enrollment, and SFS directory definitions. If not all of these steps are required - for example, you
are changing only SFS directory or subdirectory names - adapt these instructions as needed for your

2. The following steps assume that a user-defined SFS file pool name is being used. If you will be using

the VM/ESA default VMSYS file pool name, substitute it in any place you see 'user-defined file pool'
or userfilepool.

3. For more information about planning for, generating and managing a file pool and server, see VM/ESA

File Pool Planning, Administration and Operation.


Determine the number of 4k blocks that are required for SFS directories by
adding up the 4K blocks required for each SFS directory you plan to use.

If you intend to use all of the default Tivoli ADSM for VM SFS directories, the
4K block requirements for each directory are summarized in Figure 8 on
page 11.

This information is used when enrolling the 5654A09A to the user-defined file


Enroll user 5654A09A in the user-defined file pool using the ENROLL USER

ENROLL USER 5654A09A userfilepool: (BLOCKS blocks

where blocks is the number of 4k blocks that you calculated in the previous

Note: This must be done from a user ID that is an administrator for the
user-defined file pool.


Determine if there are enough blocks available in the file pool to install Tivoli
ADSM for VM. This information can be obtained from the QUERY FILEPOOL
STATUS command. Near the end of the output from this command is a list
of minidisks in the file pool and the number of blocks free. If the number of
blocks free is smaller than the total 4k blocks needed to install Tivoli ADSM
for VM you need to add space to the file pool. See VM/ESA SFS and CRR
Planning, Administration, and Operation
manual for information on adding
space to a file pool.


Create the necessary subdirectories using the CREATE DIRECTORY

A complete list of default Tivoli ADSM for VM SFS directories is provided in
Figure 8 on page 11.


Tivoli ADSM for VM Program Directory