0 installation instructions, 1 vmses/e installation process overview – IBM TIVOLI ADSTAR 5697-VM3 User Manual

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6.0 Installation Instructions

This chapter describes the installation methods and the step-by-step procedures to install the Tivoli ADSM
for VM program product.

The step-by-step procedures are in two column format. The steps to be performed are in bold large
numbers. Commands for these steps are on the left hand side of the page in bold print. Additional
information for a command may exist to the right of the command. For more information about the two
column format see "Understanding the Dialog with the System" in the VM/ESA Installation Guide.

Each step of the installation instructions must be followed. Do not skip any step unless directed to do so.

Throughout these instructions, the use of IBM-supplied default minidisk addresses and user IDs is
assumed. If you use different user IDs, minidisk addresses, or SFS directories to install Tivoli ADSM for
VM, adapt these instructions as needed for your environment.


The sample console output presented throughout these instructions was produced on a VM/ESA
Version 2 Release 3 system. If you're installing Tivoli ADSM for VM on a different VM/ESA system,
the results obtained for some commands may differ from those depicted here.

6.1 VMSES/E Installation Process Overview

The following is a brief description of the main steps in installing Tivoli ADSM for VM using VMSES/E.

Plan Your Installation

Use the VMFINS command to load several VMSES/E files from the product tape and to obtain Tivoli
ADSM for VM resource requirements.

Allocate Resources

The information obtained from the previous step is used to allocate the appropriate minidisks (or SFS
directories) and the user ID needed to install the Tivoli ADSM for VM program product.

Install the Tivoli ADSM for VM Product

Use the VMFINS command to load the Tivoli ADSM for VM product files from tape to the test BUILD
and BASE minidisks/directories. VMFINS is then used to update the VM SYSBLDS file used by
VMSES/E for software inventory management.

Place Tivoli ADSM for VM Files into Production

Once the product files have been tested and the operation of Tivoli ADSM for VM is satisfactory, they
must be copied from the test BUILD disk to the production BUILD disk.

 Copyright IBM Corp. 1992, 1999