IBM TIVOLI ADSTAR 5697-VM3 User Manual

Page 45

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vmfapply ppf 5654A09A {ADSM | ADSMSFS}


Use ADSM for installing on minidisks or ADSMSFS
for installing in Shared File System directories.

Messages VMFAPP2122E and VMFAPP2109R will
be displayed only if you have reach-ahead service
that needs to be reapplied. If you receive these
messages, enter 1 in reply to VMFAPP2109R to
reapply the reach-ahead service (as shown in the
example below).

VMFAPP2122E The set of PTFs in the Apply Status Table (5654A09A

SRVAPPS) on the 2A2 (F) disk is not a subset of the
PTFs in the highest Level Apply Status Table on the
2A6 (E) disk. This is an inconsistent state.

VMFAPP2109R VMFAPPLY will automatically correct the problem identified

by message 2122E by including the missing PTFs in the
current Apply List. Enter (1) to continue; (0) to quit.


Enter 1 for VMFAPPLY to reapply the reach-ahead


Check the apply message log ($VMFAPP $MSGLOG) for warning and error
messages. If necessary, correct any problems before going on. For
information about handling specific apply messages, see VM/ESA: System
Messages and Codes
, or use online HELP.

vmfview apply


If necessary, rework local modifications.

The output from the VMFPSU command (which was run in an earlier step),
appid PSUPLAN file, can be used to indicate what local service or mods are
affected by the RSU Tape. If a PTF is applied and it contains service to a
part for which you have a local modification, you will need to rework the local
modification. Refer to the VM/ESA Service Guide.

A.1.4 Build the New Service Level and Place Into Production

To rebuild all objects that were affected by reach-ahead service that was reapplied or local modifications
continue with the instructions in 7.2.4, “Update the Build Status Table” on page 32. This will also lead you
into the steps to place Tivoli ADSM for VM into production.

Appendix A. Applying an RSU Tape for Tivoli ADSM for VM