Intermec 6620 User Manual
Page 23

6620 Hand-Held Computer Technical Reference
There are some files listed in this publication that
could be useful for your configuration or application.
If you need any of these files, first look in the Tool Kit
for them. If not found there, try one of the Product
Forums on the Norand Mobile Systems Division BBS.
Information about accessing the BBS is on page 1-20.
Finally, for development purposes you may consider
using certain external devices. Keep in mind whether
these items are available (or practical) for the applica-
tion to use in the field.
Reprogramming Flash Memory
To reflash the BIOS, you must first boot to DOS, either by:
pressing [Shift] +
process; or
booting to a floppy or ATA drive.
Then, from the DOS prompt, run FLASH.EXE as follows:
/w specifies to overwrite the flash.
/fFILENAME specifies the file to write to the flash
Or, use the UPDTROM.BAT batch file that can be found in
the /ROM subdirectory on the Recovery CD.