Saving – IBM Ricoh FB750 User Manual
Page 49

printers require margins & most will shrink the image to fit within those margins).
5. When scanning documents with the Copier function, it will be processed as an image not a text
document. If there are margins on the document but you scan at the full 8 ½ x 11 inches, the
printer will see that as an 8 ½ x 11 inch image and will shrink it to fit its margins.
6. When scanning documents, you can often get better results by scanning in Line Art or Bi-tone
(which mode depends on the available scanner driver setting).
7. You can only print color images with a color printer.
After you have scanned an image, you are likely to want to save the image as a file.
Click File
Click Save As or Save Image As
This will open a dialog box that will help you to save the file.
1. Type a file name. Don’t worry about a three-letter
extension, the program will add that for you based on
the file type you choose. In 16-bit programs, your file
name must be eight letters or less. In the file name,
you can also include some other characters such as
numbers, dash, underline, and many of the symbols
above the numbers. Your file name cannot include a
period or dot, a question mark, an asterisk or star, a
slash, a back-slash, a colon, a semi-colon, or a
2. Choose a file type. Click on the down arrow by Save File as Type or Save as Type. BMP is an
uncompressed format that can be viewed in Windows Paint and Paintbrush as well as most graph-
ics programs. JPG and GIF are compressed formats that will create a file that will take up less
space but require a special graphics program to view. JPG and GIF are the preferred formats for
sending as email attached files.
3. Choose where to save the file. Remember where you save the file so you can find it later.
a) To change the drive (such as to the floppy drive, which is A:), click on the down arrow of
Save in.
b) To change the folder, double click on the folder icon.
4. Click on OK or Save.
OCR, Changing a scanned document into text you can use in a word-processor
When you want to do OCR, there are some important things to keep in mind.
1. In InfoCenter 32, the scan mode should be set to Grayscale. In most other OCR applications, the
scan mode should be set to Line Art (which is black and white only).
2. The resolution should be between 300-400dpi.
3. The original document to be scanned should be in clear, plain typewritten text (best results will
come from something printed on a laser printer).
4. Be sure the scanned image is right side up. OCR will not work on an image that is upside-down,
side-ways or tilted.
5. OCR in InfoCenter 32 will not work on handwriting of any type, on most decorative fonts, or on a