HP 330 User Manual
Page 130

This is the green on page 8–6 (seq: 130)
Company confidential. Pelican User’s Guide, Ed 1, Final. Freeze Status: frozen
This is the cyan on page 8–6 (seq: 130)
This is the black on page 8–6 (seq: 130)
Pattern of lights
and Action
The plotter is ready to plot.
Send your plot from your computer or, for a special
internal plot, press the appropriate key combination – see
page 5–2.
Busy. The plotter is busy with a task or is receiving a file.
The plotter is currently set for sheet media, rather than
roll media.
The plotter is currently set for roll media, rather than
sheet media.
The plotter is waiting for you to cut the roll after the last
Cut the roll and press Continue Plotting.
The Continue Plotting key has been pressed to put the
plotter in Continuous Plotting mode. It will therefore not
pause at the end of the current plot for you to cut the plot
from the roll.
If you want to toggle to the alternative Pause mode, press
the Continue Plotting key again.
Localization Note. Treat as new, although JKCT: some of the explanations/actions are
very similar to those in the Parrot QRG equivalent table.
Front-panel lights
Roll OFF